Granny knew it was going to be a rough ride when the bloody council conned her out of eight squid to park the car for a days visit at the college. The thieving bastards!
After shelling out the said dosh, it cost the old bag a further £1.05 for a bottle of diet coke from the college shop. They should advertise that it is rob a Granny week!
The old gal made her way to the lift and met Blondie's Bitch and Miss B C 2009 queueing up for the lift that takes you on a mystery trip, but the old bugger wasn't working so we had to catch the one further up the corridor.
Granny is always on tenter-hooks wondering if the lift will get her to her destination.
Granny and "B"s Bitch settled down for a bit of a conflab before the classroom was opened. Normally we have a fair bit of time to ourselves, but today was going to be an exception.
God almighty, Motor Mouth was the first on the scene, her great big gob flapping like a tent flap in the wind. Granny half expected the Elf and Safety Brigade to appear to measure the noise levels. They were certainly not at a safe capacity! No wonder old Granny is Mutton Jeff!
Binty was the next to arrive, she has had her bunions done so she was hobbling a bit, but she seemed to be getting around okay.
In a blink of an eye the corridor was full of AAT Students. Why were they so early? Why was there so many? Why were they so noisy? So many whys, Granny demands answers. Answers on a post card please - care of Blondie's Bolt Hole, Woodville.
We all settled ourselves down in the class room. Blondie was full of his usual innuendos and crap that he always is.
Normally he has some dodgy looking stain on his trousers, but this time it was further up. His waistcoat had a big white stain just above the top button. What the hell has he been doing.?
Granny asked him if he had spilt his dinner up the front, but his hearing was selective and he didn't answer.
Before we got down to today's schedule (don't make Granny laugh, B never has a schedule, he plays it by ear) Blondie had a special announcement to make.
Apparently, we have been put on a list of those who are going to pass, and those who are going to fail.
The old git was so full of negativity, that's just what we wanted to hear before the onset of our next exam in a couple of weeks. It really spurred us on - not!
The bastard really knows how to go for the jugular (I bet he only has a little winkie and is trying to make up for it in other ways - the tart).
It put a right damper on things for the whole day. If any of us fail, its not because we haven't tried but because of the lack of his teaching methods - they are none existent.
He is always banging on about his brightest students and how they will walk the exam. He never acknowledges or gives the respect or time to those that really have to work twice as hard to keep up with the impossible pace that he works too.
Granny has never met anyone that is so lacking in people skills and who is so uncaring.
The old gal has a problem with her hearing and has been very reluctant to let many people know of this situation as it is embarrassing. The old biddy mentioned this to "B" at the start of the term and he "allowed" (how kind) Granny to sit near the front of the classroom so she could hear what was going on.
Granny struggles to hear when there are lots of people talking at once and tends to lip read quite a lot.
Today there was a situation that arose and Granny had to remind Blondie that she was partially deaf - his response was PARDON! He thought it was very amusing. Granny didn't!
Granny is going to have him big time when all of this is over!
Our little group have a new sanctuary (Zen Cafe) and it was such a welcoming place after today's onslaught.
The proprietor is such a lovely man. If he was just a few years older Granny would have him! (If Kinky doesn't get him first). He is Mr Charming and makes you feel very welcome.
We have music to boogie in our seats too and they do the most fantastic coffee!
The atmosphere is brill and you really feel chilled and the coffee is great too. The food is plentiful and really cheap and the coffee is out of this world
Have I mentioned what fantastic coffee they do - no - well they do a lovely latte, you should try it.
The evening session was a bit hard going, but Granny has made plenty of notes and guess what the old bird will be doing this weekend?
At the moment Granny is feeling very overwhelmed by it all and is really fretting over the exam which is looming.
Granny would gladly sit on the casting couch if it ensured that she got a pass!
You should try the Asda gamble. Park in the Octagon, and often as not, the exit barriers go up without having to put the ticket in. Of course, if you get out early, it'll cost you six quid.
You have tremendous staying power! lesser mortals would have quit ages ago. Your hard work will see you through in the end.
I didn't know your hearing isn't 100%. I'd put good money on it being on the sop side!
Mr Charming, i'm spending the weekend with him. Sorry Granny beet ya to it! its so hard trying to keep him happy, whilst serving the coffee you like! XXXXXX
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