He's late, he's late for a very important date!
Granny has been preparing herself all weekend for today. It was a very important day as it was exam time.
All of us in the class have worked extremely hard to get to this point. Some have easily sailed through, while others (including Granny) have struggled and have had to go the extra mile to get results.
Blondie made arrangements for us to take the exam in another room, which was actually two rooms, but had dividers which opened up to make one large room. The normal classroom is very cramped and stinks of feet and things !!!
The "team" met at our rendezvous point and then made our way to the said classroom. Our fellow inmates were already assembled outside the classroom and raring to get on with the exam.
The classroom was locked so we had to congregate in the corridor outside, we waited patiently for the old git to arrive.
We waited and waited and waited.
Blondie was so pleased with himself last week when he blatantly shared with us that he busks this particular class. He was so proud of himself.
The knob-shank (as my late son-in-law would have said) couldn't even show us any courtesy and arrive on time for the exam. How the hell can any of us show any respect for someone that has so little regard for others?
Eventually he turned up and we filed into the classroom only to find that the partition walls had not be removed, so we had two classrooms instead of one.
Now Blondie might think he is Superman, but even he couldn't split himself up into two so that he could patrol both classrooms.
If the old git had anything about him, he should have turned up at the classroom at least fifteen minutes before the exam commenced to ensure that everything was in order.
But hey, this is a super human, cock strutting, please stroke my ego bloke - with his brains where his balls are, we are talking about.
It was mayhem. There wasn't enough desks for everyone. Blondie sent the "boys" into the classroom next door, while the "girls" (Granny ain't been called a girl for a long time) remained in the one where we had all filed into.
We are all paying nearly a thousand quid to be taught by someone who is so incompetent!
The git wanted to start the exam before the room was ready, saying he would stop the exam in midstream once the classroom had been made into one and would move some people into the adjoining room!!!
One of the "team" picked him up on this saying that it was not ideal. Granny was in agreement. For Christ's sake its hard enough taking the exam without all the added farting around from Blondie
A Knightess in shiny armour arrived, our other beloved tutor came galloping in on her trusted steed and took over the situation. She organised the dividers to be divided so that the two classrooms became one!
By this time a good twenty minutes had passed by, nerves were jangled, (Granny's were anyway).
The knob-shank went into his spiel about no-one being allowed to sniff, cough or if the old git had his way, breathe.
If you did any of the above, then you were out on your ear and there would be no exam. He's a pompous t**t. It was okay for him to cough and splutter whilst we were slogging away!
It was hard going for Granny and she found it difficult in parts. The old gal has made some errors but she will be able to correct them next week when the final part of the exam commences.
Its been a bloody hard day and its taken its toll on the old bird.
The visit to Zen wasn't enough to put a spring into Granny's step. The owd biddy was buggered and she just wanted to go home, but that wasn't possible as there was still another session to go.
The evening session was made up of a mixture of folks who had taken the exam the night before and those during today.
The night before folks were full of life, whilst the today's clan were on their knees. The knightess showed us some kindness and finished the evening class early.
Granny was relieved, and after dropping one of her boys off home she headed for Tescos to see if she could pick up a little Australian number.
Bottoms up - so to speak.
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