Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Stud Muffin

Granny was feeling a bit under the weather this morning when she got up to go to college today.

She has been of late, over-indulging in beverages of an alcoholic nature and its played havoc with the old gal and brought her bunions up summat rotten.

She has had a tiring weekend mostly blowing her horn and it has really taken its toll on the old bird.

Going to college without all your faculties intact is not the best of ideas, but hey, Granny never has been the full shilling so some people would say anyway.

Blondie arrived early today which caught Granny unawares as he usually likes to strut his stuff down the corridor with his feathers all ablaze then has a quick preen before entering the classroom. But not today though.

He made a beeline for his bitch and asked her to rub his belly for him because he had eaten too much at the Lord Burton. Granny rolled her eyes in dismay coz it made her feel sick.

I swear that the classroom gets smaller each week or the tables have shrunk. Its like an obstacle course trying to get into your seat and you are lucky if you don't go arse over tit while doing the manoeuvres.

Poor old kinky sausage had Mr A's bags up his backside whilst sitting at his desk and Blondies bitch belts Granny in the back of the neck with her bosoomas every time she has to get by. I could put a compo claim in for assault from a pair of maracas.

Blondie as usual, likes the sound of his own voice and tends to digress from the subject matter and ends up waffling over something and nothing that has bugger all to do with AAT.

Blondie confirmed Grannies suspicions (if you had read her previous blogs) that he was a porn star from the 70's era. I knew it - I thought I had seen him in some old dodgy home movie. He went on to say that he had appeared in something with his rock band - entitled "LARGE".

We had a stud muffin in our presence - yuk I think not. "Large" I think he ain't.

The Blondie fan club were like something from "When Harry met Sally". There is one particular fan club member who would lay her life down for "B" her eyes glazed over and she looked all over come! I was in two minds whether to call out the paramedics.

Again, we were working on stuff that wasn't relevant to the up and coming exam. We were working on something that we don't have an exam in until April. This has left us with two weeks to concentrate on the relevant subject matter for the exam in December.

Granny is constantly banging her head against a brick wall trying to grasp the situation. She feels she is missing something here, but not quite sure what.

Our little group had the visit to the "Sanctuary" giving Arnie one last chance to behave. He was very subdued tonight and quite reserved. Perhaps he felt that he had over stepped the mark last week or had read Granny's blog calling him a cruentus appareo!

The latter session was full of the usual mystique. There were quite a few of the class missing this evening. The butch female version of Mr A was absent as was her side-kick.

Mr Nasal Passage was a right pain in the neck. All you could hear all night long was his fog horn of a voice permeating the atmosphere. He even dared to upstage Granny when she was doing her "good girl angel routine" how dare he, how very bloody dare he.

Not sure what we have been taught tonight as I think it could have been done in an email to us as it wasn't very informative. We have all been supplied with a copy of a previous test paper to complete at home for homework.

This aged tutor, cum rock porn star is being paid a load of dosh for teaching us nowt.


Anonymous said...

Blondies bitch here.Once again a great laugh to cheer me up. Keep it going chuck.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture!

Your blog always makes me chuckle...


the one with the mini ;o)

Anonymous said...

Kinky Sausage, your blog got to spicy for work so they have had to block it from our servers, hahahaha there is more than one way to skin a cat (apparently!)

Catch ya tomorrow for more fun and errrrrrrrrr retching stories from bondie and his cohorts of women :-p

Anonymous said...

"A"Granny of two i have a better ass "dont you remember ???