Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Amplitudo ero laetus ut is tractus est super

This college course is playing havoc with Granny's sleeping time. She has to get up early and head off into town to nab a good parking spot that isn't too far away from the college.

Granny cant do much trundling around just yet as her new knee has to bed in a little.

Granny thought she would do a little retail therapy before class and had a meander around the shops looking for an outfit that would be suitable for a 60's/70's night that she is attending in December.

Now you would have thought that the old bat would have had this type of clothing in her wardrobe already, but this granny likes to think she is trendy for her age and ditched the old biddy clothing long ago.

After having a successful shopping spree, Granny headed off for the college scene, with her bloody great big heavy bag slung over her shoulder.

There should be some law about carrying bags that make one of your shoulders droop to your knees. I know your body defies gravity with age, its bad enough having boobs dangling out from underneath your skirt without adding other body parts.

Granny made her way to the the 3rd floor to queue up ready for the classroom to be opened by our Blondie. We all wait in anticipation for this big event. Our team leader aka Mr Angry was in high spirits and gave us the Mr "A" greeting - "hi team".

You can tell what sort of day its going to be by just looking at the students that roll in one by one. We had a chewer in our midst today. He had a gob full of chewing gum and you could hear him slurping on it from about six miles up the road (perhaps exaggerating a bit - but you get my drift).

One of "the team" could have easily done him in by the end of the lesson it got that irritating along with gob on a stick who likes to poke her nose into every ones business. A right miss no-it-all. Don't you just hate people who know everything and get everything right.

Blondie made his way down the corridor - keys at the ready to open the classroom door, when he whispered into his bitches ear that he was pissed. Now granny wasn't sure what he meant by this as she is not used to that sort of language as you can tell from her blog - she is very wholesome.

Blondie has a tendency to say a lot of things tongue in cheek, but sometimes I think he may be speaking the truth in certain areas. Granny has yet to fathom that out. But make no mistake, Sherlock Granny is on the case.

Blondie kicked off the lesson by asking us if we were taught Latin at school. Now I am not sure where this fits into AAT, but Blondie seems to think it has some relevance.

It reminded me so much of one of our other tutors lessons last year, we had to investigate a stabbing. Not quite sure where this fits into the accounting scene, but hey, Granny is a novice, what does she know.

As it turned out, nobody had been taught Latin, not even Blondie, so I am not sure why it was even mentioned in the first place! Blondie sermo a sarcina of ........!

The "teams" sanctuary was calling so we made our way swift on foot. Now me mate with the kinky sausage was in for a nasty surprise. Arnie was waiting for him and pounced on him from behind.

Shock, horror - me poor mate was jabbed, poked, stabbed or whatever you would like to call it, with a knife in the back of his leg. Poor lad was traumatised all night, much to the point that we may need to look at finding a new sanctuary. Not sure where Arnie is coming from, but its not funny anymore - I think he has a screw loose! Cruentus appareo!

Amplitudo est a madide ulterius quod has had unus quoque plures dum stilus is blog.

Bonus nox noctis quod deus beatus.


Anonymous said...

And don't forget one other team member, being hit also!!!!

Loving the latin!

Kinky Sausage

Anonymous said...

Hiya it's blondie's bitch here. Keep up the good work cos i think it's great. See you next week xxx