I shall remember the 5th of November as it has been a really good day for me on the college front.
The assignment I handed in last week has been signed off as complete which is really good news. It needs to be completed by June, but by finishing it early it will give me more time to concentrate on the double entry book-keeping side of things.
The afternoon class wasn't too bad today. We had a one to one with the tutor and because all my work was complete, he let me leave at 1500 hours. I felt quite privileged to be leaving early. I decided to give my visit to Marks and Sparks a miss and headed off home. I didn't fancy hanging around until 1730 hours in the town.
On my way home I nearly squashed a lollipop lady. Why is it that they think they are immune to traffic. She was almost level with my car when she decided to jump out and wave her stick under my nose.
I have nothing against lollipop people because my mother was one way back in the 1960's. She wouldn't have dreamt of jumping out at the last minute. She valued her life far more than today's breed. They tend to be of more senior years now, so maybe its a form of euthanasia!
It was quite nice being able to be at home for a while before the evening session started. It was a bit of a nightmare though trying to get back into the middle of town during the tea-time rush hour, but worth it.
I managed to have a bit of a chat with Vic (the bald headed chap) he is a really nice bloke and didn't object to me asking him if he would mind moving his chair slightly so that I could see the blackboard. He is rather large and when he is directly in front of me I only get to see the back of his head.
The subject matter tonight was quite easy once I had got to grips with it (all I can say is it's a good job I work in pencil). I am still not very quick at carrying out the tasks but find it is better to take my time, even if those around me have finished some way ahead.
Tonight we worked on the following:- Cheques, Cash Book - 2 Column, Cash Book - 3 Column and Analysed Receipts Cash Book.
The girls done good!
So now it's swotty granny for getting your work done so quickly, well done!
How many more months to go?
Only two years and seven months to go - not long!
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