It was a day of panic for our Blondie. Last week he told us that he was going to be observed during today's lesson.
We had already been instructed that we had to turn up on time, ensure all our homework had been completed and generally show Blondie was not really the ****** that he portrays to us every week. This was going to be a difficult task.
Blondie's Bitch was there early with her low cut top. Blondie likes this as its pleasing to his eye and to be quite honest it does distract him a bit. This enables Granny to play for time if she is struggling on a particular question. Granny just has to make Blondie's Bitch laugh and this in turn, makes her bazoomas wobble and Blondie has succumbed!
We filed into the classroom and "B" was in a panic trying to get everything organised. Every time the classroom door opened Blondie nearly wet his pants thinking it was the "observer".
The lesson got underway and Blondie calmed down somewhat as it looked as though he was not going to be "watched" in our lesson and it would now be his evening lesson. Hurray for us because we don't have the old tosser now at the night class. Yay!
Now Granny once mentioned about the Grand Canyon and OMG it was like the repeats that are shown on telly over Christmas. First time round is probably just about manageable, but second time round you desperately lose the will to live.
Miss BC 2008 give us the most shocking replay of her winning assets (assets are not the right word to describe what Granny is talking about, but she doesn't know what the opposite is).
One minute the classroom is bathed in light and the next was just like an eclipse with knobs on. Even our old porn star was shocked and all he could mutter was that he had been looking for somewhere to park his bike. And right there in front of him was his answer. Bejesus, you have seen nowt like it.
An uneasy atmosphere settled amongst the class and the rest of the lesson just seemed to pass in a blurr.
Both gob on sticks had their fair share of air time and Granny was glad when the lesson came to a halt. The old gal needed her battery charging fast.
Arnie was waiting for us with the big "Arnie smile". Granny really looks forward to this particular time of day as she is amongst good friends and she adores them all.
The evening lesson again was a joy as it is with the best (in Granny's eyes) tutor in the college. She is so lovely and has time and patience for everyone. Blondie really needs to take a leaf out of her book and see how its done.
Its hard going and Granny is not afraid to admit that she is struggling at times, but she is determined to see it through and hopefully all the hard work and determination will pay off.
If it doesn't, then get a length of hosepipe at the ready!
Hey Granny, sorry i talked to the irish one! Hope you forgive me................................................???? grovel
If you're ever struggling let me know cause you've always been a very good mate to me and i would like to be one back. Think i may need a new nick name though!?
But yours
Kinky Sausage X x X
ps please help me find a fella
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