Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Mr Angry Goes Bananas

Well - Granny hasn't written for some time, because there hasn't been really much too write home about until today

Okay, the college scene was a big shock even 2nd time round. Blondie is constantly on my case and now has reverted to calling me STS after I tackled him about using my full title in front of the class. Everyone else is called by their christian names - but not granny - no, it had to be the full works.

Blondie is a throw back from the 70's which is a shame as I don't suppose he can help it. He puts me in mind of an aging rock or possibly porn star (the type from the home movies kind) not that granny has been acquainted with any I am sorry to say. There is life in the old gal yet.

The class is made up of weird, wonderful and not so wonderful people.

We have Blondie, who I have already spoken about. Gob on a stick is next in line, she was absent today. Then we have the growler, who constantly makes throaty noises while you are trying to concentrate.

Following close behind is the Blondie fan club. They worship the very ground that he walks upon. They sit there all do-ey eyed and worship every blond hair on his head. Aaahh.

The most exciting of all is the Mr and Mrs Angrys' of this world. There are a few dotted around the classroom. They seem to creep out of the woodwork at the most in-opportune time. They frighten Granny.

Today was one of those days that made Granny sit up and quiver in her little ole wrinkly stockings.

The lesson started off as a quite un-assuming lesson, learning about extended trial balances. Then out of nowhere the fireworks started (it wasn't even the 5th November). Someone had rattled Mr Angry's cage - and that someone was "Blondie".

We have to order books in to do the course and in this case some of Mr A's hadn't arrived, this tipped him over the edge. Out rolled the heavy artillery and we all donned hard hats and camouflage.

It was like a war zone, I half expected that reporter bloke off the telly in the white suit to pop up in the middle and do a TV report. Mr A just lost it and tore old Blondie to shreds.

Mr A wasn't happy about the classroom - which I did mention in my previous blog. It is crap, but Mr A pointed this out to us all with his angry head on. You can't see the whiteboard - or smart- board as it is called (can't see whats smart about it as it is on the side of the wall and we are all facing forwards).

You need binoculars to see what is written on it if you are sitting at the back. This and a combination of other things just sent Mr A bananas.

I can't believe I am saying this - but I did feel sorry for Blondie for a moment until I gathered my senses together and thought better of it. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander sprang to mind.

I can see where Mr A was coming from, but going crazy in the middle of a class is not the best way to resolve issues. In fact it was quite embarrassing.

Anyway to cut a long story short - we all legged it and went to the chippy.

C'est la vie.

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