Monday, 7 January 2008

Dawning of a New Day

Well the day has finally arrived - Exam Results Time! I must admit I have not really thought much about this day coming what with Christmas and Band Concerts.

I didn't feel particularly worried this morning either, in fact I felt quite calm whats done is done and can't be changed.

I had to get up really early as I had a physio appointment at the local hospital for 0830 so didn't have a great deal of time to think about much at all.

This afternoons session at college has probably been one of the most productive ones I have had the pleasure of attending since commencement last September. Although it was computer based it did go quite well. There were only two witches out of the three in attendance so they were rather quite, which was very unusual. The three stooges "Cool" "Random" and "Innit" were also missing, maybe that's why it was a good day.

I managed to slip home before the evening session started and have a bit of a warm as it is bloody freezing in that college.

I made my way to the classroom for tonight's lesson and everyone was asking each other how they thought they had done in the exam. The tutor arrived and I think everyone was trying to read her expression to see if it gave any information away.

The class started at 1800 and she made us wait until 1930 before the completed exam papers were returned to each of us. Now at this point I did feel a bit nervous especially as she went on to say that she was quite disappointed with the results. Oh God that's me up the Swanee then.

I was in for a very pleasant surprise, I had two small amendments to make (which were in actual fact just silly errors). Once these are marked again next week I am home and dry. It was a great feeling, but I did feel really sad for those people that have to re-sit the exam, because that could have very easily been me.

We have more exams to work towards in March, May and June so it ain't over until the fat lady sings!


peahen said...

I admire you so much, this is such a worthwhile endeavour. How does the ordeal of taking an accountancy exam compare to going on stage for a band contest?

Grannyshiraz said...

Hi Pea - Give me a band contest anytime!