Last week was my first full working week since the end of July. Over the last month I have been back on a phased return since having my knee operation at the beginning of August.
The weekend has been hectic as the band I play with http://www.newhallband.org.uk/ had a concert Saturday night, followed by rehearsals Sunday in readiness for Pontins contest next Saturday. What with the clocks going back too, I definitely felt my age today returning back to college after half-term.
Afternoon Session
Nothings changed much for this session, still just as boring and not very awe inspiring. We started on a new unit - Personal Effectiveness. This will captivate the audience just as much as the Health and Safety unit - not!!
Is it me - Has classroom etiquette (big word - not bad for a tired old bird) been re-written. In my day it was all about respect, following dress codes, having the right tools for the trade (i.e books, pencil case etc) and being punctual. The new updated rules are as follows:-
- Be as late as possible and never ever apologise.
- Books are not meant to be read, but are for shredding and flicking across the classroom.
- Pens are for cleaning out your ears or in some cases, for picking your nose.
- Dress code - Always be attached to your i-pod and listen to R&B throughout the lesson.
In my day the only form of portable music appliances were transistor radios and they were bloody massive things, could you imagine sitting with one of those on your desk!
Evening Session
As I have said before I quite like this session as you really have to think on your feet and we work solidly for the whole of the three hours. The tutor is great (bound to be because she's a woman) she really knows her stuff and knows how to keep a captive audience.
I must admit though I was feeling a little irritable tonight, the chap who's head I would like to doodle on was chewing gum and he has one of those goatee beards (a big bristly white one). All the time he was chewing it jumped out from side to side and it kept putting me off. All I could see was big white whiskers in my eye-line.
He's a nice bloke though and I think I am grumbly because I'm tired so I am going to finish here and go to bed.
Tonight we worked on the following:-
Bad debts - Journal entries - Aged analysis of debtors - Cash receipts - Security Paying in.
Night Night